Over 30 years of reporting on Congress, federal agencies and the White House for corporate America as well as national trade and professional associations.

Pharma faces Congressional battles in 2009

Drug Discovery News, 2008 September
by Stephen Barlas

When BIO, the trade group for biotechnology pharmaceutical companies, held a press briefing on the 2008 presidential election on Sept. 3, Jim Greenwood, the president and CEO of BIO, and a former Republican congressman from Pennsylvania, was asked if BIO would be endorsing either Barack Obama or John McCain for president. He didn’t have to think about the answer for very long. “No,” he said, explaining that there wasn’t enough difference between the two on issues of importance to pharmaceutical companies for BIO to make an endorsement.

Not only are the votes and positions of the two candidates near mirror images on many drug issues (except providing health insurance for the “uninsured”), but so is their rhetoric, which is sharp. McCain tells pharmaceutical companies they “must worry less about squeezing additional profits from old medicines.” Obama promises to prevent drug companies from “abusing their monopoly power through unjustified price increases.”

The propensity toward populist pandering, plus support for long-time, brand-name anathemas such as reimportation of drugs and greater use of generics, explains why most of the research-based pharmaceutical industry is bringing its political cannons up to the front lines in anticipation of pitched legislative battles in 2009, and not just those led by an antagonistic White House. Congress, which is likely to be more Democratic, will reprise some anti-industry proposals which fell short in the 2007-2008 term, in part because of the threat of a George W. Bush veto, in part because of Republican opposition in the Senate.

But there are some opportunities for the industry in the offing. Both McCain and Obama have talked about extending health insurance to the uninsured, which, if it becomes a reality, would lead to significant new spending on drug prescriptions. Kathryn Wilber, senior counsel, health policy, American Benefits Council, which represents Fortune 500 companies, says, “Health care reform is clearly a priority issue for both candidates.”

The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) understands that the elevation of the “uninsured” to the level of primetime issue presents all sorts of possibilities, good and bad. Billy Tauzin, president and CEO of PhRMA, says the group’s “Platform for a Healthy America” aims to assure all Americans have access to high-quality, affordable health insurance coverage.

“‘Platform for a Healthy America’ builds on the existing employer-based system and expands coverage through a public-private approach—with a focus on private health insurance expansions and leveraging such public health insurance programs as Medicaid and SCHIP to extend access to high-quality, affordable health insurance coverage to all Americans,” says Tauzin.

Finding the middle
The ‘Platform’ contains a little bit of the Obama plan and a little bit of the McCain plan; so it might be the kind of middle ground which many observers expect any final health insurance expansion—if there is a final bill—to occupy. McCain’s health insurance access proposal centers on eliminating the tax subsidies for employers to provide health insurance and instead giving individuals and families $2500/$5000 tax credits with which to purchase insurance in the private market. Obama would create a national insurance program, run by the federal government, that the uninsured could buy into, if they so desire. “The debate over the Obama plan versus the McCain plan is a little bit of a phony debate,” says one lobbyist for the PBM industry. “The final product is probably going to be something in the middle.”

A couple factors bear out that compromise notion. There are some key Democrats, such as Finance Committee Chairman Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.), who think the employer-provided health insurance system has outlived its usefulness. So in that respect, he agrees with McCain. And there are Republicans who already support an Obama-type plan; it is called the Healthy Americans Act, introduced early in 2007 by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), with numerous Republican co-sponsors, including Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), influential ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee. The bill eliminates employer health insurance tax deductions, forces them to pass along what they would have deducted per employee as increased salary, sets up a federal program and allows individuals to buy in, with subsidies to those below 400 percent of the poverty level.

The Wyden bill covers a lot of ground, including changes to the Medicare Part D outpatient prescription program, where the bill gives Medicare the authority to negotiate prices with manufacturers of prescription drugs. Obama supports direct negotiation within the context of both his “access” proposal and within the Part D program.

McCain supports negotiation in Part D just as heartily as Obama does. In November 2003, as the House and Senate were adopting a conference agreement establishing the Part D program, McCain complained that providing an outpatient drug benefit to seniors without first getting drug costs under control was like “rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.” He expressly bemoaned the absence of a negotiation provision, saying, “Taxpayers should be able to expect Medicare, as a large purchaser of prescription drugs, to be able to derive some discount from its new market share. Instead, taxpayers will provide an estimated $13 billion a year in increased profits to the pharmaceutical industry.”

A broader Medicare Part D?
The Medicare Part D reform bill that comes up in 2009 will probably be broader than last year’s House and Senate bills, which were narrow in an effort, ultimately unsuccessful, to get a perceived “modest” proposal past a disapproving White House. In 2009, the Oval Office becomes a friend, not a foe, in terms of numerous anti-PhRMA proposals, with regard to Part D and much else. So House Democrats like Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif,) are licking their chops. Waxman, chairman of the House Oversight and Investigations Committee, pummeled the drug industry during two hearings in this past session and raised questions about inflated Medicare payments to the prescription drug plans (PDPs) which offer the Part D benefit. “Amendments to Part D will probably be front and center fairly early,” says one lobbyist for the drug store industry.

Be they bills on the uninsured or on Part D, rest assured that proposals aimed at cutting prescription drug costs will be flying like hungry birds around a just-stocked backyard feeder. One proposal Obama has made is to set up a federal entity of some sort and charge it with doing “comparativeness research,” that is looking at all drugs within a class and determining which one is the most effective. PhRMA supports that kind of research in principle, as long as it is “structured to promote better patient health and timely patient access to needed therapies, and avoids denying or delaying patients’ access to beneficial care, as what often occurs in Europe and Australia.” Whether the free-standing Comparative Effectiveness Research Act of 2008, introduced by Baucus and Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) in late July 2008, meets PhRMA’s yardstick is unknown.

Reimportation and generics
Obama also supports two proposals which made appearances in past Congresses: reimportation of drugs and wider use of generics, including establishing a first-time regulatory pathway at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for biogenerics. McCain is just as enthusiastic about these proposals; in fact, he was championing them long before Obama reached the Senate. As early as 2000, McCain joined with Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) to sponsor the Greater Access to Affordable Pharmaceuticals Act, which would have made changes in the 1984 Hatch-Waxman Act designed to prevent brand-name companies from slowing (albeit legally) introduction of generics. That bill passed the Senate by a wide margin in 2002, but never cleared Congress, and would have probably been vetoed by President Bush anyway.

Six years later, that bill is long forgotten, and in its place is the latest generic legislative effort: the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act. It would create a pathway at the FDA for approval of biological generics under the Public Health Act, which is the law under which almost all major biologics such as Rituxan, Humira, Herceptin, Tysabri and Avonex are approved. Conventional chemical drugs and a small handful of biologics are approved under the FDA Act, which includes the Hatch-Waxman pathway for generics, which has been well-trod. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee approved the Biologics Price bill in late June. BIO’s Greenwood says the bill is an improvement over an earlier version. But he wants a data exclusivity period of 14 years, not 12, and he has some problems with both the patent and pharmacist prescribing provisions.

Charlie Mayr, spokesman for the Generic Pharmaceutical Association, says the Democratic presidential platform includes an endorsement of both generics and biological generics. The Republican platform is less specific. “Both candidates have gone on record being supportive of generic drugs,” says Mayr. “Things are moving forward dramatically with legislation on biologic generics. They will be a reality; it is just a question of time.”

Legislation allowing drug wholesalers to import brand-name prescription drugs from developed countries will probably also become a reality. Both Obama and McCain support reimportation, which the pharmaceutical industry opposes.

So come January 20, 2009, whether it is McCain or Obama sitting in the Oval Office, pharmaceutical companies will be dodging the return of some detested drug initiatives, coming at them like so many boomerangs, but at the same time, keeping their heads up amidst opportunities generated by the health insurance access debate. DDN

Stephen Barlas is a Washington, D.C.-based freelance writer.

Alaskan Pipeline Project

Pipeline & Gas Journal, November 2008

FERC officials say they aren’t pressuring the competing Denali and TransCanada Alaskan pipeline projects to merge. But the two projects—one already in the pre-filing process—are heading toward submitting construction applications to FERC at roughly the same time in 2011 or 2012, depending on whom one talks to, in what would be a regulatory clash and crash that the agency hopes to avoid. Congress is also pressuring the two Alaskan gas transportation contestants, though very subtly. Legislation the House passed in late September whose primary purpose was extending the congressional ban on offshore oil and gas drilling included a symbolic amendment meant to strengthen the president’s hand in twisting the arms of Denali and TransCanada/Alaska to combine their efforts.
In an interview, Tony Palmer, vice president, Alaska Development, TransCanada, says his company continues to talk with BP and ConocoPhillips, the Denali partners—about taking an equity interest in the TC pipeline, whose proposed route is essentially the same as Denali’s. “No one has slammed the door,” he states, noting that TransCanada will not make hard and fast offers to the two companies, plus ExxonMobil and other potential shippers, until the start of the open season in spring, 2010.
Palmer says FERC has publicly encouraged the two Alaskan pipeline bidders to get together. “That would be positive if it occurs,” adds Palmer. “We favor shippers joining our project.”
Scott Jepsen, spokesman for Denali, is a bit more restrained. “The owners of Denali have stated that they will consider participation by other parties that add value and reduce risk,” Jepsen states.
Denali has a bit of a head start with FERC, which will approve only one of the two projects. FERC approved Denali’s entry into the pre-filing process in June. Palmer notes, however, that FERC granted TC a number of exemptions when approving its “very short” pre-filing application, which, he implies, was less than complete. Tamara Young-Allen, a FERC spokeswoman, acknowledges that FERC let TC slide a number of pre-filing requirements such as providing a list of landowners along the project’s route.
Palmer says TransCanada wants to be fully ready to enter pre-filing, and will file its application after its open season next spring. Post-open season is when pre-filing activities normally begin, he adds. Palmer states that TC expects to file a construction application in 2012. In the FERC letter to Denali approving its pre-filing application, the agency noted that Denali plans to file its construction application in 2011. So it is not clear, despite FERC’s warnings, that it will have to consider the two applications simultaneously. Rather, FERC may be concerned that it will have to act on Denali’s application without the benefit of having TC’s to compare it to. Conversely, Denali may be in a bit of a rush since the state of Alaska has blessed the TransCanada project, certifying it under the state’s Alaska Gasline Inducement Act. So it not only receives the political imprimatur of the state, but also $500 million in state funds for use during the pre-filing process.
FERC stated in its “Sixth Report to Congress on the Progress Made in Licensing and Constructing the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline,” published at the end of August, that Alaska’s blessing of the TransCanada proposal would not give TC an advantage as far as FERC’s consideration of a construction certificate, which, again, will only be granted to one of the bidders. The report’s conclusion noted: “It is not unusual or detrimental at this stage that two projects are preceding forward.” But it went on to say, “We continue to seriously caution that reviewing multiple projects throughout the complete federal regulatory process would greatly challenge the Commission staff, the other agencies on the federal interagency team, and state agencies. We believe it to be in the public interest to avoid the consequences of a prolonged, duplicative regulatory review in a competitive situation…”
Mary O’Driscoll, the FERC spokeswoman, says, “We are not trying to merge these proposals. The report is just an acknowledgement of what everybody knows, there will be one pipeline.”

Automotive Policy Goes to the Polls

Automotive Engineering, October 2008

It was 100 years ago that Henry Ford launched the revolutionary Model T, a car whose technology was a marked departure from what had been used in the incipient autos in the industry’s gestation stage. The Model T’s steering wheel was on the left and the entire engine and transmission were enclosed; the four cylinders were cast in a solid block; the suspension used two semi-elliptic springs.

Now, too, Ford, General Motors and Chrysler are attempting to design and produce revolutionary autos and light trucks, those that run on alternative fuels such as E85 and those that run on batteries and even fuel cells. But while Henry Ford did not ask for help from the U.S. government to launch the Model T, Detroit, in more ways than one, is on its knees. Without the tax credits, research and development funding, reasonable auto energy mileage goals and foreign market opening assistance only the President and Congress can provide, Detroit could sink deeper into the financial morass from which only advanced technology vehicles can tow it out.

Before and during their respective primaries, neither Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) nor Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) showed much sympathy for imperiled U.S. auto companies. Obama famously told the Detroit Economic Club in May 2007 that car makers deserved their just rewards for resisting the production of fuel efficient cars. He then campaigned across the country bragging about how he gored the lion in its own den. While Obama’s tone was sharper, McCain’s fangs had been growing for a much longer time. As early as 2002, he introduced legislation which would have upped the corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standard to 36 miles per gallon by 2016, and explained on the Senate floor, when he introduced that bill on February 2, 2002, that his Fuel Economy & Security Act focused on “one of the major industrial greenhouse gas emitters, the automotive industry.”

Singing a new song; but will music stop after election?

Now fast forward to fall 2008. As the election draws within one month of votes being cast, both Obama and McCain are wearing cheerleading uniforms with big “Ds” on the front, “D” for Detroit. They have been in and out of Michigan of late on campaign swings journeying to GM, Ford and Chrysler plants in places like Warren, Flint and Sterling Heights. In July at the Warren, Michigan plant where the Chevy Volt will be produced, McCain praised GM and said he wants “to help in every way” to insure the success of that all-electric sedan. In Pittsburgh in June, Obama, sitting next to GM CEO Rick Wagoner during a panel discussion on the future of the auto industry, solicitously asked Wagoner: “The question is, assuming I’m president, what would be the one or two things that the federal government can do most constructive to make certain that in the race against time for the U.S. automakers that you are able to make this pivot as quickly as possible?”

What a difference a presidential party nomination makes! Greg Martin, GM’s spokesman in Washington, says, “The Detroit bashing has stopped and both candidates are being very supportive of the industry’s efforts.” That is because, he explains, both Obama and McCain have woken up to the importance of Michigan’s and Ohio’s status as “key states,” ones whose electoral votes could determine who wins the presidency on November 4, 2008.

The question is, of course, whether this change in tone is one of substance or convenience. It is an important question because this may be the most important presidential election for the auto industry in 100 years, a view shared by David Cole chairman of the Center for Automotive Research. Cole will vote for McCain. “They are both intensely focused on energy conservation and alternative energy,” says Cole, whose CAR sponsored a major industry confab in Traverse City, Michigan in August, where the candidates’ positions were dissected in the corridors. “But McCain has a more pragmatic view, supporting a more balanced approach to energy exploration, conservation and alterative energy. Obama tends to be overly optimistic and operates more in the theoretical space.”

But one official at another industry research group, who declines to be identified, prefers Obama because of his support for federal aid to auto manufacturers and their suppliers. Both candidates back some new federal assistance. GM’s Martin points out that visits like McCain’s to GM’s Warren technical center helps raise the profile of the need for federal help for battery technology development. McCain has proposed funding a $300 million award payable to the first company who develops an electric battery. After he made the comment, his campaign quickly jumped in and said the proposal would not be fleshed out until the Arizona senator became president. So there are no details. Obama derided the proposal as a ‘’bounty’’ for some ‘’rocket scientist’’ to win. The U.S. Department of Energy is already giving three consortiums involving GM, Ford and Chrysler $10 million each over three years for battery development, that money coming out of the $41 million a year the DOE has for its entire “energy storage program,” which funds R&D for passenger vehicles.

Mark Fields, executive vice president, Ford Motor Co., told a Washington, D.C. audience on June 11, 2008 that much more money was needed, and not just for battery chemistry, but for development of a manufacturing infrastructure, too. “Just as the Department of Energy recently placed nearly $400 million with various ethanol producers to hasten commercial applications, bold and dramatic incentives are needed to accelerate the commercial development of high-energy power batteries in the U.S.,” he said.

Mark Wagner, vice president, government relations, for Johnson Controls/Saft, says the U.S. is in danger of losing the lithium ion battery manufacturing base to the Asians. In fact, his company is supplying lithium ion batteries for the 2009 Mercedes S Class sedan, and manufacturing those batteries in France.

Obama pushes for revitalization of auto manufacturing base; McCain hesitant on aid

While Obama has not focused specifically on lithium ion development, either in the lab or on the manufacturing floor, he has said quite a bit about the need to convert auto company and supplier manufacturing facilities into launching pads for advanced vehicles. He was an original co-sponsor of Sen. Orrin Hatch’s (R-Utah) FREEDOM Act, a 2006 bill which offered first-year expensing for auto and component companies setting up production capacity in the United States for plug-in electric drive vehicles. Those provisions morphed into a different form in the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) which Congress approved in December 2007. That bill included provisions for low-interest loans to auto companies and their suppliers for retooling factories for “advanced technology” vehicles and a separate grant program for “refurbishment and retooling” of auto and component manufacturing facilities for manufacture of efficient hybrid, plug-in electric hybrid, plug-in electric drive, and advanced diesel vehicles. The low-interest loans would be made through a new Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Incentive Program (ATVMIP). Obama supports “immediate” funding of the ATVMIP. McCain at first refused to endorse federal money. But on August 22 he began to shift his position, saying he believed Congress should fund the ATVMIP.

Besides his battery “prize,” McCain has talked up his support for a $5,000 tax credit for consumers who purchase a plug-in electric vehicle such as the Chevy Volt GM hopes to have on its dealers’ lots for the 2010 model year. The FREEDOM Act, which Obama supports, and which the auto companies have consistently pressed for since Hatch introduced it, allows for a plug-in credit as high as $7500 depending on the kilowattage of the battery. Equally important, Obama backs eliminating the 60,000 unit per manufacturer limit on the number of vehicles which could qualify for the plug-in credit, a ceiling that applied to the hybrid tax credit in the 2005 energy bill, and which Toyota hit very quickly with Prius and Lexus sales.

Both favor federal incentives to consumers on electric plug-ins

Talking about tax credits, Obama has been a leading Senate proponent of tax credits to service station owners for the cost of building new E85 vehicle refueling facilities, introducing legislation to that effect in May 2005, two years before GM CEO Rick Wagoner, Jr. told the House Energy and Commerce Committee that the best opportunity for addressing the twin problems of high gas prices and CO2 emissions was “through increased use of bio-fuels.” McCain has been anti-ethanol, especially from a federal subsidy standpoint. He has warmed up to ethanol as a fuel—sans subsidy--of late.

“Senator Obama’s record regarding the use of domestic-renewable fuels such as ethanol is first-rate. Senator Obama has personally participated in E85 station Grand Opening events and offers a strong case as the Presidential candidate promoting change in our long dependence on the use of hydrocarbons,” says Phillip Lampert, executive director, National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition. “From my experience in working energy policy issues at the federal level, Senator McCain has only recently become aware that flexible fuel vehicles even exist. I don’t recall a single bill or proposal introduced or co-sponsored by Senator McCain that would have advanced the use of domestic-renewable transportation fuels.”

Obama and McCain green peas in pod on greenhouse gases

Of course, auto manufacturers see E85 vehicles not only as a way to reduce dependence on imported and expensive gasoline, but as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Both Obama and McCain are supporters of a national “cap-and-trade” greenhouse gas emissions program; one was incorporated into the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act of 2008 which came to the floor of the Senate for a vote on June 6, 2008 but failed to gain the necessary 60 votes to end debate. Obama and McCain supported the bill, although they have proposed slightly different carbon reduction targets, with Obama’s being a bit more aggressive. The auto industry doesn’t necessarily oppose a federal greenhouse gas mandate. Prior for the bill coming up for a vote, Ford said that it supports “a comprehensive, climate solution for reducing emissions through a economy-wide cap and trade federal framework with complementary state and local government roles.” Neither Ford nor GM or Chrysler took a position on the Lieberman-Warner bill itself, although Ford said, “This legislation is helping to progress the dialogue on climate legislation.”

The problem, from the auto companies’ standpoint, with that particular bill, is that an amendment was inserted on the Senate floor allowing California (and other states) to establish its own greenhouse gas limits on auto tailpipe emissions, which the EPA has so far prohibited the state from doing. Both McCain and Obama favor allowing states to adopt the California limits, or others of their own choosing, which would result in states imposing CAFE limits that are harder to meet than the 35 mpg by 2020 mandate in the EISA.

Positions on South Korea free trade agreement diverge; but industry ambivalent on issue

While Obama and McCain are pretty much twins on greenhouse gas regulation and CAFE standards, they diverge considerably on trade issues, which are increasingly important, particularly with regard to the Far East. McCain supports and Obama opposes the U.S.-South Korea free trade agreement President Bush negotiated in 2007, which includes a number of automotive proposals aimed at reducing the current automotive trade imbalance between the two countries. In 2006, according to the UAW, U.S. imports of Hyundai Motor Co. and Kia Motors products into the United States were valued at $12.4 billion, while U.S. exports of similar products to Korea amounted to just $751 million.

Obama has sided with the UAW, which opposes the agreement, even though it would result in elimination of Korea’s current eight percent tariff on imported U.S. vehicles (and, in return, the U.S. 2.5 percent tariff on Kias and Hyundis). The UAW has criticized the deal because it says it contains no hard-and-fast assurances that the Koreans would eliminate their non-tariff barriers. The pact poses a conundrum for the U.S. auto companies, who on the one hand want to be able to expand in Korea and Asia generally, but don’t want to impose conditions on South Korea which backfire, leading to restrictions on operations in that country, the latter factor weighing most heavily on GM. That balancing act explains why Martin, the GM spokesman, says, “We are agnostic on the U.S.-Korea agreement.” GM builds the Chevy Aveo in Korea. Ford and Chrysler, which have very limited operations in Korea, oppose the deal. Steve Biegun, Ford’s vice president, international governmental affairs, said in a statement after the Bush administration announced the agreement, “As a company that operates and competes in 200 markets globally, we see the real and tangible benefits of free trade. Unfortunately this agreement, as we understand it, will not open the Korean market to free trade in automobiles.”

Of course, in the end, U.S. auto manufacturers are most concerned about a freer flow of vehicles in America, where high gasoline prices have dammed up sales for the past year. Both Obama and McCain have shown their ears are now open to industry entreaties. “The next administration will be a lot more engaged with us than the current Bush administration,” says an official at a major auto industry research group.